Strong presence for Fleet Logistics at live Fleet Europe Summit

Mobility / Smart Mobility

Fleet Logistics will have a strong presence at the Fleet Europe Summit in Brussels on November 9/10 as the eagerly awaited event turns from virtual to physical after the easing of Covid pandemic restrictions. On the first day, the Summit will witness sessions of the Smart Mobility Institute and the Global Fleet Managers Club, along with a variety of presentations at the Remarketing Forum.

Then, on day two at the conference element of the Summit, Fleet Logistics Chief Sales Officer, Samuel Kellner-Steinmetz, and Head of Global Mobility Solutions, Thibault Alleyn, will jointly present a thought leadership session on the “Do’s and don’ts of electrification, timed for 10.00am CET on Wednesday, November 10.

One of the hottest fleet topics of the moment, the session looks likely to be well attended and will explore the policy required in moving the fleet towards increased electrification.

Fleet Logistics will also have a presence in the Fleet Europe Village on the same day, offering a chance to meet up with peers and prospects, and to create new business opportunities.

In the evening, when the Fleet Europe Awards again return as a live event, Fleet Logistics CEO Steffen Schick will present the award to the lucky winner of the “European Fleet Procurement Manager of the Year” – one of eight awards presented at the evening awards ceremony.

“It is great to see the Fleet Europe Summit returning as a live as opposed to a virtual event as we return to something approaching normality following the pandemic,” said Fleet Logistics Head of Marketing, Thorsten Bertram.

“We look forward to presenting our thoughts on the current movement towards electrification, and to catching up with many of our clients at the event as well as introducing ourselves to a number of new prospects and potential customers.”

For the last 16 years, the Fleet Europe Summit has been THE place to be to experience, learn and network with the European fleet and mobility community. Last year, because of the Covid pandemic, it was held online as a virtual event.

The leading international conference for fleet and mobility leaders, this year’s event, at the Square Convention Centre in the heart of Brussels, returns as a live event and will comply strictly with the latest Covid-19 rules and regulations to safeguard the health of all attendees.

It will have four super themes throughout the event. One will look at sustainability, with a focus on electrification, charging solutions and carbon zero. The second will focus on post-Covid fleet management, with an emphasis on financial models, policy development and, procurement trends.

The third super theme is corporate mobility, looking at trends such as mobility as a service (MaaS), mobility as a benefit (MaaB) and mobility policy and strategy. And the fourth super theme is innovation and technology, focussing on digitization, IoT connectivity and data management.

This year’s event will also feature a vehicle exhibition at which the latest models will be showcased and will be available for test drives during the day, starting from 8.00am.

The organisers have chosen the centre of Brussels for this year’s event because of its ease of access. With its central location, it is easily accessible by car and is just 2.5 hours from Amsterdam, and 3.5 hours from Paris, London or Frankfurt, along with easy air and train links.

The venue is only a few steps away from the capital’s main transport hub, the Central Station, which has a direct and fast train connection to Brussels Airport, Thalys, TGC, ICE and Eurostar train stations. Local train, tram, metro and bus lines all converge at Central Station, providing access to the entire city and rest of the country.

With regard to Covid-19 policy, the organisers have worked with Brussels’ authorities and the venue owners to ensure the safety of delegates.

Currently, the rules in Belgium for an event like the Fleet Europe Summit require participants to have a Covid Safe Ticket.

This means that each participant would need to either:

• be completely vaccinated for, at least, 14 days
• be in possession of a negative PCR test within 72 hours
• be in possession of a negative antigen test within 24 hours

By respecting these regulations, participants to the Summit will NOT have to wear a facemask or respect social distancing. There will be several hygiene stations in the village and airflow will be enhanced.

A Summit spokesman said: “As these regulations evolve from month to month, we will continuously monitor all government updates and make sure to communicate those on our website.”

For more details and to register for the event please go to: