Fleet Logistics highly rated in EcoVadis survey

Mobility / Smart Mobility

Fleet Logistics Group has been highly rated in the latest survey by Paris-based sustainabiity ratings platform, EcoVadis.

Fleet Logistics was rated in the top 25% of companies in the 2021 survey for its overall sustainability performance in the ‘other professional, scientific and technical activities’ category, winning a coveted Bronze Award.  

The ratings company assessed Fleet Logistics’ performance in terms of sustainable procurement, ethics, labour and human rights and environment.

And it scored Fleet Logistics as being in the top 8% of companies in its category that it assessed in terms of ethics, and in the top 15% of companies in its category for its performance in sustainable procurement.

The results come in Fleet Logistics’ 25th anniversary year and in the fifth year that it has taken part in the EcoVadis survey, which has now become one of the most highly regarded in the business world.

Formed in 2007, EcoVadis has grown to become the world’s largest and most trusted provider of business sustainability ratings, in that time creating a global network of more than 75,000 rated companies. EcoVadis provides a holistic sustainability ratings service of companies, delivered via a global cloud-based SaaS platform and covering a broad range of non-financial management systems, including environmental, labour and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement.

Each participating company is rated on the material issues in each category as they relate to the company's size, location and industry sector. Evidence-based assessments are then refined into easy to read scorecards, providing zero to one hundred scores, and awarding bronze, silver, gold medals where applicable.

The scorecards also provide guidance on strengths and improvement areas, which the rated companies may use to focus their sustainability efforts and develop action plans to improve their future performance.

Thorsten Bertram, Head of Marketing at Fleet Logistics, said the company was delighted with the results. “We have been participating in the EcoVadis survey for the last five years as we recognised the value in having certain KPIs within our business measured by an independent authority.

“It is one that a significant number of clients also use to measure these impacts of their own businesses and as such has developed into a useful reference point.

“We were initially invited to take part by one of our long-standing and valued telecommunications clients, in a form of challenge that we were happy to take on as a means of independent measurement.

“We were delighted with this year’s results, and particularly pleased with our performance in the field of ethics as we feel this reflects our improved performance as a multi-national, multi-cultural, ethnically diverse and equal opportunities employer,” added Thorsten Bertram.