Fleet health and safety – at Fleet Logistics we really care!

Mobility / Smart Mobility

Within Fleet Logistics Group, we believe that taking care of people’s health is vital at all times and not just during the special situation we all find ourselves in at the moment. That was the message from Chief Sales Officer, Oliver Stockhecke, in a special announcement.

Driving a company car creates areas of risk every day, and we put great emphasis behind supporting all activities to protect the health and safety of all our clients’ car drivers.

So, we are thrilled to announce a special deal that we have been able to negotiate with one of our health and safety partners which contains a free of charge trial period of three months.

Applied Driving Techniques (ADT) is a multi-award-winning, global provider of driver safety and risk management solutions and has been a driver training and risk management partner for some time.

ADT has always been passionate about road safety, but believes it is now even more important than ever to support our community and the safety of its citizens.

This new offer includes three training modules on Driver Fatigue, Speed Awareness and Emotional Distractions, which also include reporting, an audit trail and ADT customer service.

Oliver Stockhecke said: ”Social distancing is a reason to strengthen communities and focus on the safety and wellbeing of those around us.

“That is why ADT and Fleet Logistics are offering free access to three driver safety modules. We want to support staff during the current crisis or when returning to work.

“In this sense, please stay safe and healthy wherever you are and what follows are some more details around this limited deal.”

Fleet Logistics believes that now is the perfect time to train your employees as downtime from working at home presents the perfect opportunity for training, especially as an employers’ duty of care to its employees remains, even during social distancing.

And, when we get through this crisis and start getting back to normal, it will be useful to remind employees how to stay safe on the road.

For more information on the new driver training offer, please download a flyer here

If you would like to read more about ADT, please see these case studies here

And, if you would like to get access to free training for your fleet, please complete our contact form here

Oliver Stockhecke continued: “We recognize that our employees are facing new challenges and we want them to know, first and foremost, that we’re here for them.

“Our full management team is committed to supporting Fleet Logistics’ employees who may be impacted by COVID-19.

“To all our employees, you have all done an outstanding job so far and I am confident we will emerge even stronger after this storm has passed,” he said via a video message.

If you require any further information or advice on this topic, please contact info@fleetlogistics.com or visit www.fleetlogistics.com