
FleetCompany GmbH
Keltenring 13
82041 Oberhaching

Phone: +49 89 638982 0

All rights reserved.

Board of Management

Steffen Schick

Commercial Register

County Court: Munich, HRB 199835  
VAT ID No. DE221304969        
Information pursuant to Section 2(1) DL-InfoV (Dienstleistungs-Informationspflichten-Verordnung)

Responsibility for this website

FleetCompany GmbH
International Sales Director
Joshua Formis


FleetCompany GmbH
Joshua Formis

This website has been designed with utmost care. Nevertheless we cannot guarantee the accuracy of all services and information contained therein. We assume no liability of any kind for direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of this website, unless such liability is compulsory under statute law.

All texts, images and graphics and their positioning on our websites are protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights.

The reproduction, distribution, modification or public display of the contents of these websites for commercial purposes shall be prohibited.

FleetCompany has no influence on the contents of third-party sites that can be accessed from the FL website ( any other FL-owned domain) via hyperlinks and does not assume any responsibility for such contents. It expressly distances itself from any unlawful or ambiguous third-party contents.

© Copyright FleetCompany GmbH 2024


All contents of this website are subject to copyright. The reproduction of information or data, and in particular the use of texts, parts of texts or photographic material, is only permitted with the explicit written permission of FleetCompany GmbH.

FleetCompany GmbH regularly checks and updates the information on its web pages. Nevertheless, no liability or guarantee for the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the information provided can be accepted. Appropriately, this also applies to all other Internet sites which are shown with hyperlinks. Similarly, FleetCompany GmbH is not responsible for the contents of Internet sites reached via hyperlinks. Additionally, FleetCompany GmbH reserves the right to change of amend the information published.