FleetVision plans launch of TCMPlus mobility modelling solution

Mobility / Smart Mobility

FleetVision, the fleet consultancy arm of Fleet Logistics Group, is planning to launch TCMPlus, a new fleet and mobility modelling and forecasting tool, to take into account the multi-modal forms of employee mobility now available to companies. The new tool will be piloted with a number of carefully selected fleet clients over the coming months, ahead of a full-scale roll-out later in the year.

It has been developed specifically in response to the rapidly evolving European fleet market where two aspects are revolutionizing the industry: a wider mix of powertrains including electrification trends on one hand, and a wide array of mobility issues coming to the fore on the other.

This has resulted in more and more companies looking at their options in terms of powertrain and mobility strategy, but needing a modelling tool to help them visualize numerous ‘what if’ scenarios. The new tool allows fleet managers to model the use of different fuel types for vehicles on their fleets, including petrol, diesel, CNG or LPG, electric vehicles, plug-in hybrids, and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, and to model any desired change within the existing fleet mix.

For example, a fleet manager might want to evaluate the impact on the fleet costs and carbon footprint of the business of replacing some diesel models on the fleet with hybrids or electric vehicles, while at the same time reviewing usage to reduce mileage.

FleetVision consultants work hand in hand with the client to define the Total Cost of Mobility (TCM) based on each client’s context, fleet mix and commercial agreements.

Based on TCM calculations from the FleetVision consultancy, the new tool also allows the modelling of cash allowances and mobility allowances in place of company vehicles to be able to show fleet managers a complete picture of the options available to them and their impact on the operating costs of the business.

The tool then calculates any potential savings available from switching from one course of action to another, and displays this over a period of five years.

At a basic level, TCMPlus provides an accurate record of all vehicles on the fleet at a global level, by country, business entity or department, giving the fleet manager an up-to-the-minute picture of all vehicles and fuel types on the fleet in any location.

FleetVision has developed an import functionality, which allows clients to automatically input their current fleet data and which is available to both outsourcing and global reporting clients of the Fleet Logistics Group.

The tool is also available to any non-Fleet Logistics clients, and supported by FleetVision consultants, allows modelling of any fleet and mobility mix for any country within the world. It also allows users to model the fleet and mobility mix for any size of business entity, down to individual legal entities or even car level.

This allows models to be produced at a granular level, showing the impact on whole life costs and carbon footprint of, for example, moving a portion of sales representatives in one country or business entity into petrol and hybrids, and shifting management to electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles in countries where this makes sense.

Or the business might want to model the impact of switching all employees who qualify for a company car into cash or mobility allowances, and providing them with access to other types of transport such as rail, bus or electric bikes, for example.

The outcome and impact on the business is then displayed in very easy to understand and highly visual dashboards so that it can be readily demonstrated to all relevant internal stakeholders, such as human resources or procurement, in an easy to assimilate manner, thus helping internal presentations and communications.

Changes can be live on the spot, which allows very dynamic stakeholder meetings, supported by the tool and facilitated by FleetVision consultants.

Thibault Alleyn, who heads FleetVision, said: ”Throughout its development phase, the new tool has been previewed on a confidential basis with a small number of international fleet managers, and has received a very enthusiastic response.

“This way of working has also ensured the end-product exactly answers the needs of fleet and mobility decision-makers. We are now ready to launch the product with pilot clients and plan to gradually ramp-up the TCMPlus tool to an increasing customer-base over 2020.”

Alleyn added: ”Initial response has been great as the tool allows data modelling and visualizing critical dimensions within a business: mobility mix and usage, carbon footprint and spend.  Online dashboards then allow this to be readily presented both up and down to stakeholders within the business so that relevant business decisions can be taken.”

If you wish to find out how TCMPlus can help you in modelling and forecasting for your fleet, please contact Thibault Alleyn at +32 475 705 755 or email talleyn@fleetvision.biz