Fleet Logistics joins the MaaS Alliance

Mobility / Smart Mobility

Fleet Logistics has joined the MaaS (Mobility as a Service) Alliance to further develop its expertise and solutions in the fast-growing field of mobility solutions.

Formed in 2015, the MaaS Alliance has now grown to a global network of over 100 organisations from 24 different countries all working towards smart and sustainable mobility.

The Alliance is public-private partnership aimed at creating the foundations for a common approach to MaaS. Its mission is to unlock the economies of scale needed for successful implementation and take-up of MaaS in Europe and beyond; and its main goal is to facilitate a single, open market and full deployment of MaaS services.

The Brussels-based Alliance is governed by a board of directors and driven forward by its members and partners, which include a number of major international fleet and leasing companies.

Fleet Logistics’ main point of contact with the MaaS Alliance will be Head of Global Mobility Solutions, Thibault Alleyn, who commented: “On our journey to support our clients with the full range of services around mobility solutions, including consulting, fleet and mobility management and reporting, we are delighted to be joining the MaaS Alliance.

“We have taken this decision as we are convinced that developing mobility solutions need a joined-up effort and cannot be done in isolation.  We feel that we will be stronger together and better able to develop a full range of mobility solutions and thinking as part of the Alliance.

“Therefore, we are willing to bring our expertise and ideas to the Alliance but look, at the same time, to work within an expert network which will help us to continue our journey in the field of mobility.  

“I will be our main point of contact, along with colleagues from our Global Mobility Solutions division,” he added.

Fleet Logistics began its transition from pure fleet management provider to offering new Managed Mobility Solutions to its clients and prospects towards the end of last year in recognition of the changing needs of its corporate customers.

A new Global Mobility Solutions unit, headed up by Thibault Alleyn, was created to engage with fleet customers on the issues of cost effectiveness, sustainability and electrification, and provide access to corporate mobility alternatives.

The timing of the launch was seen as no surprise, as many companies had been left with a long list of burning issues to tackle in the “new normal” following the Covid-19 pandemic.

Amongst the immediate concerns that companies faced were making their fleets more efficient, cost-effective and transparent given the severe economic challenges that many faced, and still face, following the crisis.

They are also looking closely at introducing a greater share of alternative powertrains, as more people turn to home working and travelling less business miles.

Companies are also redefining mobility options offered to their employees, as more people question the value of a traditional company car in the light of a broader mix of mobility types becoming available, including increased mobility budgets and mobility offers of a new ‘sharing’ economy, such as car-sharing, e-bikes and e-scooters.

Fleet Logistics’ first mobility solution, MobilityBUDGET, which was initially launched in Germany, provided employees with a tax optimised cash amount which can be used to cover personal multi-modal mobility needs, ranging from personal lease, through shared mobility including rental cars to public transport.

Customers in countries without tax benefits can take the advantage of a clear, transparent and automated pollution to optimise internal cash allowance processes or simply to offer an alternative to meet the employees need for alternative mobility.

The value add for employers is twofold: first they can decide on how the tax benefit is split between the user and themselves, and second, they get a good view of users’ mobility needs and preferences.

MobilityBUDGET applies to all employees regardless of company car usage. The employer can implement this solution as an alternative or in addition to a company car, as salary compensation for new hires or employees receiving a salary increase.

MobilityBUDGET is being seen as the first in a number of new mobility solutions from Fleet Logistics.

“We see joining the MaaS Alliance as the next logical step in our transition from pure fleet management provider to offering new Managed Mobility Solutions, and would expect our new mobility solutions portfolio to develop more quickly as a result,” added Thibault Alleyn.